It's 4:57. And they still haven't fed me dinner. So far I've used the large pathetic brown eyes, the full-body wiggling, and the under the breath whining. If Mom doesn't get off the god damn computer I'm going to have to escalate things.
There. That did it. Screaming usually works pretty well, but you have to be careful not to over-do it or Dad will get pissed. It's a risk I take on an hourly basis. What can I say, I walk the line. Some would even call me a hero.
Anyway, welcome to my blog! If you're reading this, you probably already know a few things about me, but for those of you just catching up with my fascinating life, I'm a Beagle. Named Gus. I enjoy food and short spurts of sprinting in circles.
I recently decided that nobody is paying enough attention to me and everything I have to say, so I thought, lets help Mom feel like shes useful and have her get some part-time work as my stenographer. I like to think she's feeling better already, just listening to the soothing sound of my baying. Hold on-
-Sorry I had to go downstairs and see if maybe I could get some cat food or maybe just pee on something. Dad caught me, damn it.
Oh well, where was I? Umm...I have important things to say, about...well I'm sure there will be more to come later. For now I'm already feeling like a nap. Or maybe Mom will give me a frozen bone with the good stuff in it. I hope that your night is as good as mine promises to be.
Gus you inspire me everyday